#!/usr/bin/env bash # Provision an application for a user for IndiePaaS # # This file: # - Registers the domain name to NameCheap # - Generates the TLS certificate associated # - Configures the DNS # - Configures the mail forwarding # # Version 0.0.3 # # Authors: # - Pierre Ozoux (pierre-o.fr) # # Usage: # LOG_LEVEL=7 ./provision.sh -e test@test.org -a known -u example.org -g -b -c # # Licensed under AGPLv3 ### Configuration ##################################################################### # Environment variables and their defaults LOG_LEVEL="${LOG_LEVEL:-6}" # 7 = debug -> 0 = emergency # Commandline options. This defines the usage page, and is used to parse cli # opts & defaults from. The parsing is unforgiving so be precise in your syntax read -r -d '' usage <<-'EOF' -u [arg] URL to process. Required. -a [arg] Application to install. (in the form github.com/indiehosters/wordpress) -s Start the application right away. -b Buys the associated domain name. -i Configure OpenDKIM. -c Configures DNS on Namecheap. -d Enables debug mode -h This page EOF ### Functions ##################################################################### source /etc/environment source /data/indiehosters/utils/helpers source /data/indiehosters/utils/configure_dkim_dns function buy_domain_name () { not_supported_extensions=( "us" "eu" "nu" "asia" "ca" "co.uk" "me.uk" "org.uk" "com.au" "net.au" "org.au" "es" "nom.es" "com.es" "org.es" "de" "fr" ) if [ $(contains "${not_supported_extensions[@]}" "$(TLD)") == "y" ]; then error "Extension .$(TLD) is not yet supported.." exit 1 fi info "Buying Domain name." arguments="&Command=namecheap.domains.create\ &DomainName=${arg_u}\ &Years=1\ &AuxBillingFirstName=${FirstName}\ &AuxBillingLastName=${LastName}\ &AuxBillingAddress1=${Address}\ &AuxBillingCity=${City}\ &AuxBillingPostalCode=${PostalCode}\ &AuxBillingCountry=${Country}\ &AuxBillingPhone=${Phone}\ &AuxBillingEmailAddress=${EmailAddress}\ &AuxBillingStateProvince=${City}\ &TechFirstName=${FirstName}\ &TechLastName=${LastName}\ &TechAddress1=${Address}\ &TechCity=${City}\ &TechPostalCode=${PostalCode}\ &TechCountry=${Country}\ &TechPhone=${Phone}\ &TechEmailAddress=${EmailAddress}\ &TechStateProvince=${City}\ &AdminFirstName=${FirstName}\ &AdminLastName=${LastName}\ &AdminAddress1=${Address}\ &AdminCity=${City}\ &AdminPostalCode=${PostalCode}\ &AdminCountry=${Country}\ &AdminPhone=${Phone}\ &AdminEmailAddress=${EmailAddress}\ &AdminStateProvince=${City}\ &RegistrantFirstName=${FirstName}\ &RegistrantLastName=${LastName}\ &RegistrantAddress1=${Address}\ &RegistrantCity=${City}\ &RegistrantPostalCode=${PostalCode}\ &RegistrantCountry=${Country}\ &RegistrantPhone=${Phone}\ &RegistrantEmailAddress=${EmailAddress}\ &RegistrantStateProvince=${City}" call_API ${arguments} info "Changing email forwarding." arguments="&Command=namecheap.domains.dns.setEmailForwarding\ &DomainName=${arg_u}\ &mailbox1=hostmaster\ &ForwardTo1=${EmailAddress}" call_API ${arguments} } function application () { export MAIL_PASS=`tr -dc A-Za-z0-9_ < /dev/urandom | head -c 20 | xargs` export MAIL_USER="noreply.${arg_u}@${MAIL_DOMAIN}" export URL=${arg_u} /data/indiehosters/utils/add_mailbox.sh ${MAIL_USER} ${MAIL_PASS} git clone https://${arg_a}.git /data/domains/${arg_u} cd /data/domains/${arg_u} ./scripts/install } function start () { systemctl start u@${arg_u} systemctl enable u@${arg_u} } ### Parse commandline options ##################################################################### # Translate usage string -> getopts arguments, and set $arg_ defaults while read line; do opt="$(echo "${line}" |awk '{print $1}' |sed -e 's#^-##')" if ! echo "${line}" |egrep '\[.*\]' >/dev/null 2>&1; then init="0" # it's a flag. init with 0 else opt="${opt}:" # add : if opt has arg init="" # it has an arg. init with "" fi opts="${opts}${opt}" varname="arg_${opt:0:1}" if ! echo "${line}" |egrep '\. Default=' >/dev/null 2>&1; then eval "${varname}=\"${init}\"" else match="$(echo "${line}" |sed 's#^.*Default=\(\)#\1#g')" eval "${varname}=\"${match}\"" fi done <<< "${usage}" # Reset in case getopts has been used previously in the shell. OPTIND=1 # Overwrite $arg_ defaults with the actual CLI options while getopts "${opts}" opt; do line="$(echo "${usage}" |grep "\-${opt}")" [ "${opt}" = "?" ] && help "Invalid use of script: ${@} " varname="arg_${opt:0:1}" default="${!varname}" value="${OPTARG}" if [ -z "${OPTARG}" ] && [ "${default}" = "0" ]; then value="1" fi eval "${varname}=\"${value}\"" debug "cli arg ${varname} = ($default) -> ${!varname}" done shift $((OPTIND-1)) [ "$1" = "--" ] && shift ### Switches (like -d for debugmdoe, -h for showing helppage) ##################################################################### # debug mode if [ "${arg_d}" = "1" ]; then set -o xtrace LOG_LEVEL="7" fi # help mode if [ "${arg_h}" = "1" ]; then # Help exists with code 1 help "Help using ${0}" fi ### Validation (decide what's required for running your script and error out) ##################################################################### [ -z "${arg_u}" ] && help "URL is required." [ -z "${LOG_LEVEL}" ] && emergency "Cannot continue without LOG_LEVEL." ### Runtime ##################################################################### # Exit on error. Append ||true if you expect an error. # set -e is safer than #!/bin/bash -e because that is neutralised if # someone runs your script like `bash yourscript.sh` set -o errexit set -o nounset # Bash will remember & return the highest exitcode in a chain of pipes. # This way you can catch the error in case mysqldump fails in `mysqldump |gzip` set -o pipefail FOLDER=/data/domains/${arg_u} TLS_FOLDER=${FOLDER}/TLS [ ${arg_b} -eq 1 ] && buy_domain_name [ ! -z "${arg_a}" ] && application [ ${arg_i} -eq 1 ] && provision_dkim [ ${arg_c} -eq 1 ] && configure_dns [ ${arg_s} -eq 1 ] && start exit 0