#!/usr/bin/env bash # Provision an application for a user for LibrePaaS # # This file: # - Registers the domain name to NameCheap # - Configures the DNS # # Version 0.0.3 # # Authors: # - Pierre Ozoux (pierre-o.fr) # # Usage: # LOG_LEVEL=7 ./provision -a github.com/indiehosters/known -u example.org -g -b -c # # Licensed under AGPLv3 ### Configuration ##################################################################### # Environment variables and their defaults LOG_LEVEL="${LOG_LEVEL:-6}" # 7 = debug -> 0 = emergency # Commandline options. This defines the usage page, and is used to parse cli # opts & defaults from. The parsing is unforgiving so be precise in your syntax read -r -d '' usage <<-'EOF' -u [arg] URL to process. Required. -a [arg] Application to install. (in the form github.com/indiehosters/wordpress) -s Start the application right away. -b Buys the associated domain name. -i Configure OpenDKIM. -c Configures DNS on Namecheap. -d Enables debug mode -h This page EOF ### Functions ##################################################################### source /etc/environment source /opt/bin/helpers source /opt/bin/configure_dkim_dns function buy_domain_name () { not_supported_extensions=( "us" "eu" "nu" "asia" "ca" "co.uk" "me.uk" "org.uk" "com.au" "net.au" "org.au" "es" "nom.es" "com.es" "org.es" "de" "fr" ) if [ $(contains "${not_supported_extensions[@]}" "$(TLD)") == "y" ]; then error "Extension .$(TLD) is not yet supported.." exit 1 fi info "Buying Domain name." arguments="&Command=namecheap.domains.create\ &DomainName=${arg_u}\ &Years=1\ &AuxBillingFirstName=${FirstName}\ &AuxBillingLastName=${LastName}\ &AuxBillingAddress1=${Address}\ &AuxBillingCity=${City}\ &AuxBillingPostalCode=${PostalCode}\ &AuxBillingCountry=${Country}\ &AuxBillingPhone=${Phone}\ &AuxBillingEmailAddress=${EmailAddress}\ &AuxBillingStateProvince=${City}\ &TechFirstName=${FirstName}\ &TechLastName=${LastName}\ &TechAddress1=${Address}\ &TechCity=${City}\ &TechPostalCode=${PostalCode}\ &TechCountry=${Country}\ &TechPhone=${Phone}\ &TechEmailAddress=${EmailAddress}\ &TechStateProvince=${City}\ &AdminFirstName=${FirstName}\ &AdminLastName=${LastName}\ &AdminAddress1=${Address}\ &AdminCity=${City}\ &AdminPostalCode=${PostalCode}\ &AdminCountry=${Country}\ &AdminPhone=${Phone}\ &AdminEmailAddress=${EmailAddress}\ &AdminStateProvince=${City}\ &RegistrantFirstName=${FirstName}\ &RegistrantLastName=${LastName}\ &RegistrantAddress1=${Address}\ &RegistrantCity=${City}\ &RegistrantPostalCode=${PostalCode}\ &RegistrantCountry=${Country}\ &RegistrantPhone=${Phone}\ &RegistrantEmailAddress=${EmailAddress}\ &RegistrantStateProvince=${City}" call_API ${arguments} info "Changing email forwarding." arguments="&Command=namecheap.domains.dns.setEmailForwarding\ &DomainName=${arg_u}\ &mailbox1=hostmaster\ &ForwardTo1=${EmailAddress}" call_API ${arguments} } function application () { git clone https://${arg_a}.git /data/domains/${arg_u} cd /data/domains/${arg_u} if [ -f ./scripts/install ]; then export URL=${arg_u} if [ -z ${MAIL_DOMAIN:-} ]; then warning "you have no email server setup, we'll print a random configuration in your application. Make sure to check the parameters for your app to send proper emails." warning "To stop having this warning, please configure your libre.sh to be abble to create email accounts." warning "You can also contact support@indie.host to setup an email account for you" export MAIL_PASS="randompass" export MAIL_USER="example@indie.host" export MAIL_DOMAIN="indie.host" export MAIL_HOST="mail.indie.host" export MAIL_PORT="587" else export MAIL_PASS=`tr -dc A-Za-z0-9_ < /dev/urandom | head -c 20 | xargs` export MAIL_USER="noreply.${arg_u}@${MAIL_DOMAIN}" /opt/bin/add_mailbox ${MAIL_USER} ${MAIL_PASS} fi ./scripts/install fi } function start () { systemctl start u@${arg_u} systemctl enable u@${arg_u} } ### Parse commandline options ##################################################################### # Translate usage string -> getopts arguments, and set $arg_ defaults while read line; do opt="$(echo "${line}" |awk '{print $1}' |sed -e 's#^-##')" if ! echo "${line}" |egrep '\[.*\]' >/dev/null 2>&1; then init="0" # it's a flag. init with 0 else opt="${opt}:" # add : if opt has arg init="" # it has an arg. init with "" fi opts="${opts}${opt}" varname="arg_${opt:0:1}" if ! echo "${line}" |egrep '\. Default=' >/dev/null 2>&1; then eval "${varname}=\"${init}\"" else match="$(echo "${line}" |sed 's#^.*Default=\(\)#\1#g')" eval "${varname}=\"${match}\"" fi done <<< "${usage}" # Reset in case getopts has been used previously in the shell. OPTIND=1 # Overwrite $arg_ defaults with the actual CLI options while getopts "${opts}" opt; do line="$(echo "${usage}" |grep "\-${opt}")" [ "${opt}" = "?" ] && help "Invalid use of script: ${@} " varname="arg_${opt:0:1}" default="${!varname}" value="${OPTARG}" if [ -z "${OPTARG}" ] && [ "${default}" = "0" ]; then value="1" fi eval "${varname}=\"${value}\"" debug "cli arg ${varname} = ($default) -> ${!varname}" done shift $((OPTIND-1)) [ "$1" = "--" ] && shift ### Switches (like -d for debugmdoe, -h for showing helppage) ##################################################################### # debug mode if [ "${arg_d}" = "1" ]; then set -o xtrace LOG_LEVEL="7" fi # help mode if [ "${arg_h}" = "1" ]; then # Help exists with code 1 help "Help using ${0}" fi ### Validation (decide what's required for running your script and error out) ##################################################################### [ -z "${arg_u}" ] && help "URL is required." [ -z "${LOG_LEVEL}" ] && emergency "Cannot continue without LOG_LEVEL." ### Runtime ##################################################################### # Exit on error. Append ||true if you expect an error. # set -e is safer than #!/bin/bash -e because that is neutralised if # someone runs your script like `bash yourscript` set -o errexit set -o nounset # Bash will remember & return the highest exitcode in a chain of pipes. # This way you can catch the error in case mysqldump fails in `mysqldump |gzip` set -o pipefail FOLDER=/data/domains/${arg_u} TLS_FOLDER=${FOLDER}/TLS [ ${arg_b} -eq 1 ] && buy_domain_name [ ! -z "${arg_a}" ] && application [ ${arg_i} -eq 1 ] && provision_dkim [ ${arg_c} -eq 1 ] && configure_dns [ ${arg_s} -eq 1 ] && start exit 0