# discourse Discourse application for IndieHosters network # How to use this image The easiest is to use our `docker-compose.yml`. Make sure you have [docker-compose](http://docs.docker.com/compose/install/) installed. And then: ``` git clone https://github.com/indiehosters/discourse.git cd discourse ./scripts/install docker-compose up ``` Once it is done, you can open your browser and connect to the IP of the container: http://container_ip. If you want to access it via the IP of the HOST, add this line to `docker-compose.yml`: ``` web: ... ports: - "80:80" ... ``` You can now access your instance on the port 80 of the IP of your machine. ## Accees it from Internet We recommend the usage of TLS. Once it is done, you can connect to the port of the host by adding this line to `docker-compose.yml`: ``` web: ... ports: - "443:443" - "80:80" ... ```