# Nextcloud

A safe home for all your data. Access & share your files, calendars, contacts, mail & more from any device, on your terms.

# How to use this image

The easiest is to use our `docker-compose.yml`.

Make sure you have [docker-compose](http://docs.docker.com/compose/install/) installed. And then:

git clone https://github.com/indiehosters/nextcloud.git
cd nextcloud
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mystrongpassword docker-compose up

You can now access your instance on the port 80 of the IP of your machine (not recommended for production).

## Access it from Internet

We recommend the usage of TLS, so the easiest is to use a TLS capable reverse proxy.
Here are 2 examples:

 - [haproxy](https://github.com/indiehosters/haproxy)
 - [nginx](https://github.com/indiehosters/nginx)

You can also modify manually the nginx configuration file and map the TLS port of the host to the container.

## Installation

Once started, you'll arrive at the configuration wizard.
At the `Database Setup` step, please enter the following:

  -  Database Server: `db`
  -  Login: `root`
  -  Database Name: nextcloud (or you can choose)
And leave the rest as default.

Then you can continue the installation with the super user.

## Backup

In order to backup, just run the `./pre-backup` script. And copy all the data to a safe place.

## Contribute

Pull requests are very welcome!

We'd love to hear your feedback and suggestions in the issue tracker: [github.com/indiehosters/nextcloud/issues](https://github.com/indiehosters/nextcloud/issues).