diff --git a/fonts/Dosis/Dosis-VariableFont_wght.ttf b/fonts/Dosis/Dosis-VariableFont_wght.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f08a216b159a4468d9ed2606f3d0bbc4b14d8dfb Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/Dosis/Dosis-VariableFont_wght.ttf differ diff --git a/fonts/Dosis/OFL.txt b/fonts/Dosis/OFL.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e4c7140ec6a143f91435653b3f98529f785cda2d --- /dev/null +++ b/fonts/Dosis/OFL.txt @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +Copyright 2011 The Dosis Project Authors (https://github.com/googlefonts/dosis-vf) + +This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. +This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at: +http://scripts.sil.org/OFL + + +----------------------------------------------------------- +SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1 - 26 February 2007 +----------------------------------------------------------- + +PREAMBLE +The goals of the Open Font License (OFL) are to stimulate worldwide +development of collaborative font projects, to support the font creation +efforts of academic and linguistic communities, and to provide a free and +open framework in which fonts may be shared and improved in partnership +with others. + +The OFL allows the licensed fonts to be used, studied, modified and +redistributed freely as long as they are not sold by themselves. The +fonts, including any derivative works, can be bundled, embedded, +redistributed and/or sold with any software provided that any reserved +names are not used by derivative works. The fonts and derivatives, +however, cannot be released under any other type of license. The +requirement for fonts to remain under this license does not apply +to any document created using the fonts or their derivatives. + +DEFINITIONS +"Font Software" refers to the set of files released by the Copyright +Holder(s) under this license and clearly marked as such. This may +include source files, build scripts and documentation. + +"Reserved Font Name" refers to any names specified as such after the +copyright statement(s). + +"Original Version" refers to the collection of Font Software components as +distributed by the Copyright Holder(s). + +"Modified Version" refers to any derivative made by adding to, deleting, +or substituting -- in part or in whole -- any of the components of the +Original Version, by changing formats or by porting the Font Software to a +new environment. + +"Author" refers to any designer, engineer, programmer, technical +writer or other person who contributed to the Font Software. + +PERMISSION & CONDITIONS +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +a copy of the Font Software, to use, study, copy, merge, embed, modify, +redistribute, and sell modified and unmodified copies of the Font +Software, subject to the following conditions: + +1) Neither the Font Software nor any of its individual components, +in Original or Modified Versions, may be sold by itself. + +2) Original or Modified Versions of the Font Software may be bundled, +redistributed and/or sold with any software, provided that each copy +contains the above copyright notice and this license. These can be +included either as stand-alone text files, human-readable headers or +in the appropriate machine-readable metadata fields within text or +binary files as long as those fields can be easily viewed by the user. + +3) No Modified Version of the Font Software may use the Reserved Font +Name(s) unless explicit written permission is granted by the corresponding +Copyright Holder. This restriction only applies to the primary font name as +presented to the users. + +4) The name(s) of the Copyright Holder(s) or the Author(s) of the Font +Software shall not be used to promote, endorse or advertise any +Modified Version, except to acknowledge the contribution(s) of the +Copyright Holder(s) and the Author(s) or with their explicit written +permission. + +5) The Font Software, modified or unmodified, in part or in whole, +must be distributed entirely under this license, and must not be +distributed under any other license. The requirement for fonts to +remain under this license does not apply to any document created +using the Font Software. + +TERMINATION +This license becomes null and void if any of the above conditions are +not met. + +DISCLAIMER +THE FONT SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT +OF COPYRIGHT, PATENT, TRADEMARK, OR OTHER RIGHT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +DAMAGES, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING +FROM, OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE FONT SOFTWARE OR FROM +OTHER DEALINGS IN THE FONT SOFTWARE. diff --git a/fonts/Dosis/README.txt b/fonts/Dosis/README.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9cb7ccd3e038a1af706ec41b80368904bceefe20 --- /dev/null +++ b/fonts/Dosis/README.txt @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +Dosis Variable Font +=================== + +This download contains Dosis as both a variable font and static fonts. + +Dosis is a variable font with this axis: + wght + +This means all the styles are contained in a single file: + Dosis-VariableFont_wght.ttf + +If your app fully supports variable fonts, you can now pick intermediate styles +that aren’t available as static fonts. Not all apps support variable fonts, and +in those cases you can use the static font files for Dosis: + static/Dosis-ExtraLight.ttf + static/Dosis-Light.ttf + static/Dosis-Regular.ttf + static/Dosis-Medium.ttf + static/Dosis-SemiBold.ttf + static/Dosis-Bold.ttf + static/Dosis-ExtraBold.ttf + +Get started +----------- + +1. Install the font files you want to use + +2. Use your app's font picker to view the font family and all the +available styles + +Learn more about variable fonts +------------------------------- + + https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/design-and-ux/typography/variable-fonts + https://variablefonts.typenetwork.com + https://medium.com/variable-fonts + +In desktop apps + + https://theblog.adobe.com/can-variable-fonts-illustrator-cc + https://helpx.adobe.com/nz/photoshop/using/fonts.html#variable_fonts + +Online + + https://developers.google.com/fonts/docs/getting_started + https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Fonts/Variable_Fonts_Guide + https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/testdrive/demos/variable-fonts + +Installing fonts + + MacOS: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201749 + Linux: https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+install+a+font+on+gnu%2Blinux + Windows: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/314960/how-to-install-or-remove-a-font-in-windows + +Android Apps + + https://developers.google.com/fonts/docs/android + https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/look-and-feel/downloadable-fonts + +License +------- +Please read the full license text (OFL.txt) to understand the permissions, +restrictions and requirements for usage, redistribution, and modification. + +You can use them in your products & projects – print or digital, +commercial or otherwise. + +This isn't legal advice, please consider consulting a lawyer and see the full +license for all details. diff --git a/fonts/Dosis/static/Dosis-Bold.ttf b/fonts/Dosis/static/Dosis-Bold.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d21452a73469dd137ae4d73d9ea30a048f9626b Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/Dosis/static/Dosis-Bold.ttf differ diff --git a/fonts/Dosis/static/Dosis-ExtraBold.ttf b/fonts/Dosis/static/Dosis-ExtraBold.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..46f8f58f117de644905e28cfbbdff5e6737dce6b Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/Dosis/static/Dosis-ExtraBold.ttf differ diff --git a/fonts/Dosis/static/Dosis-ExtraLight.ttf b/fonts/Dosis/static/Dosis-ExtraLight.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a153013d87127d853121f55b12ef44cb2b35170a Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/Dosis/static/Dosis-ExtraLight.ttf differ diff --git a/fonts/Dosis/static/Dosis-Light.ttf b/fonts/Dosis/static/Dosis-Light.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7e9d31a38f6d6f6ce4ad29211dfe2cd5c30207e4 Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/Dosis/static/Dosis-Light.ttf differ diff --git a/fonts/Dosis/static/Dosis-Medium.ttf b/fonts/Dosis/static/Dosis-Medium.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ad0d1f03c3fe8efd5fd3de268ee047028157eccd Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/Dosis/static/Dosis-Medium.ttf differ diff --git a/fonts/Dosis/static/Dosis-Regular.ttf b/fonts/Dosis/static/Dosis-Regular.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..13186aba4fbe4ef60a0ebe5fe0e5b5b3f67a5c7e Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/Dosis/static/Dosis-Regular.ttf differ diff --git a/fonts/Dosis/static/Dosis-SemiBold.ttf b/fonts/Dosis/static/Dosis-SemiBold.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..647a95bcdc362a3918307a744b926305b708f1e5 Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/Dosis/static/Dosis-SemiBold.ttf differ diff --git a/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/OFL.txt b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/OFL.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..72d81ab3b8b11e9f8baf863aa16a52bdf241d470 --- /dev/null +++ b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/OFL.txt @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +Copyright 2010, 2012, 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated (http://www.adobe.com/), with Reserved Font Name ‘Source’. + +This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. +This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at: +http://scripts.sil.org/OFL + + +----------------------------------------------------------- +SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1 - 26 February 2007 +----------------------------------------------------------- + +PREAMBLE +The goals of the Open Font License (OFL) are to stimulate worldwide +development of collaborative font projects, to support the font creation +efforts of academic and linguistic communities, and to provide a free and +open framework in which fonts may be shared and improved in partnership +with others. + +The OFL allows the licensed fonts to be used, studied, modified and +redistributed freely as long as they are not sold by themselves. The +fonts, including any derivative works, can be bundled, embedded, +redistributed and/or sold with any software provided that any reserved +names are not used by derivative works. The fonts and derivatives, +however, cannot be released under any other type of license. The +requirement for fonts to remain under this license does not apply +to any document created using the fonts or their derivatives. + +DEFINITIONS +"Font Software" refers to the set of files released by the Copyright +Holder(s) under this license and clearly marked as such. This may +include source files, build scripts and documentation. + +"Reserved Font Name" refers to any names specified as such after the +copyright statement(s). + +"Original Version" refers to the collection of Font Software components as +distributed by the Copyright Holder(s). + +"Modified Version" refers to any derivative made by adding to, deleting, +or substituting -- in part or in whole -- any of the components of the +Original Version, by changing formats or by porting the Font Software to a +new environment. + +"Author" refers to any designer, engineer, programmer, technical +writer or other person who contributed to the Font Software. + +PERMISSION & CONDITIONS +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +a copy of the Font Software, to use, study, copy, merge, embed, modify, +redistribute, and sell modified and unmodified copies of the Font +Software, subject to the following conditions: + +1) Neither the Font Software nor any of its individual components, +in Original or Modified Versions, may be sold by itself. + +2) Original or Modified Versions of the Font Software may be bundled, +redistributed and/or sold with any software, provided that each copy +contains the above copyright notice and this license. These can be +included either as stand-alone text files, human-readable headers or +in the appropriate machine-readable metadata fields within text or +binary files as long as those fields can be easily viewed by the user. + +3) No Modified Version of the Font Software may use the Reserved Font +Name(s) unless explicit written permission is granted by the corresponding +Copyright Holder. This restriction only applies to the primary font name as +presented to the users. + +4) The name(s) of the Copyright Holder(s) or the Author(s) of the Font +Software shall not be used to promote, endorse or advertise any +Modified Version, except to acknowledge the contribution(s) of the +Copyright Holder(s) and the Author(s) or with their explicit written +permission. + +5) The Font Software, modified or unmodified, in part or in whole, +must be distributed entirely under this license, and must not be +distributed under any other license. The requirement for fonts to +remain under this license does not apply to any document created +using the Font Software. + +TERMINATION +This license becomes null and void if any of the above conditions are +not met. + +DISCLAIMER +THE FONT SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT +OF COPYRIGHT, PATENT, TRADEMARK, OR OTHER RIGHT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +DAMAGES, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING +FROM, OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE FONT SOFTWARE OR FROM +OTHER DEALINGS IN THE FONT SOFTWARE. diff --git a/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-Black.ttf b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-Black.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1c93e9eef52696f3b1fd0edc0d1ec653ee8c0e0b Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-Black.ttf differ diff --git a/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-BlackItalic.ttf b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-BlackItalic.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..928aa3705e6b9c8a67fbb360e8efbd3dc2516791 Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-BlackItalic.ttf differ diff --git a/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-Bold.ttf b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-Bold.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b8879af096f11b3404378e1ae9217f517c840747 Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-Bold.ttf differ diff --git a/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-BoldItalic.ttf b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-BoldItalic.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b38bae9472ef2901311f3c88f9b41cbf49004a0b Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-BoldItalic.ttf differ diff --git a/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-ExtraLight.ttf b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-ExtraLight.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8074e3acb8a40dcb3e1aa35ae67be4a4fcaffa99 Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-ExtraLight.ttf differ diff --git a/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-ExtraLightItalic.ttf b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-ExtraLightItalic.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db759e0bc1d237465ddfdded0caecde910aeba8b Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-ExtraLightItalic.ttf differ diff --git a/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-Italic.ttf b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-Italic.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7dbece78c52c5df9bff391f2db6f08391bb09b04 Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-Italic.ttf differ diff --git a/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-Light.ttf b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-Light.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b0e83d314e11336c86807165d10c0365eeac1f6 Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-Light.ttf differ diff --git a/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-LightItalic.ttf b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-LightItalic.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5af065994f0d7d66251a57f7ff7e0d31a0889f17 Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-LightItalic.ttf differ diff --git a/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..98e8579745c9afe420cb50d573ff4e93c93929a6 Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf differ diff --git a/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-SemiBold.ttf b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-SemiBold.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..99dcc81f91a87e587736fc8c01f3429cb2871bff Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-SemiBold.ttf differ diff --git a/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-SemiBoldItalic.ttf b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-SemiBoldItalic.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9c3891b75910dff7c0093a24da82290e65f25c05 Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/Source_Sans_Pro/SourceSansPro-SemiBoldItalic.ttf differ