function create_bucket() { export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=`openssl rand -base64 32` mc admin user add ${STORAGE_CLASS} ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} ${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY} kubectl -n ${NS} create secret generic ${SECRET_NAME} --from-literal=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} --from-literal=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY} mc mb ${STORAGE_CLASS}/${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} mc admin policy set ${STORAGE_CLASS} username-rw user=${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} } function create_bucket_for_live() { export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=`openssl rand -base64 32` mc admin user add ${STORAGE_CLASS} ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} ${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY} kubectl -n ${NS} create secret generic ${SECRET_NAME} --from-literal=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} --from-literal=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY} mc mb ${STORAGE_CLASS}/${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} mc admin policy set ${STORAGE_CLASS} username-rw user=${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} mc policy set download ${STORAGE_CLASS}/${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} } function create_buckets_for_gitlab() { export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=`openssl rand -base64 32` mc admin user add ${STORAGE_CLASS} ${FQDN} ${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY} mc admin policy set ${STORAGE_CLASS} username-rw-gitlab user=${FQDN} mc mb ${STORAGE_CLASS}/${FQDN}-artifacts mc mb ${STORAGE_CLASS}/${FQDN}-lfs mc mb ${STORAGE_CLASS}/${FQDN}-packages mc mb ${STORAGE_CLASS}/${FQDN}-uploads } function create_ns() { mkdir -p /root/domains/${NS} kubectl create ns ${NS} || true kubectl label ns $NS kubectl label ns/$NS name=$NS cat "/root/domains/common/networkpolicies.yml" | envsubst '$NS' | kubectl -n ${NS} apply -f - } function pg_zero_lag() { cat /tmp/patronictl_list |tail -n2| cut -d$'\t' -f 7 | grep -q 0 } function pg_two_running() { cat /tmp/patronictl_list |tail -n2| cut -d$'\t' -f 5 | grep running | wc -l | grep -q 2 } function pg_consistent_tl() { TL_ONE=`cat /tmp/patronictl_list |tail -n2 | head -n1 | cut -d$'\t' -f 6` TL_TWO=`cat /tmp/patronictl_list |tail -n1 | cut -d$'\t' -f 6` test "$TL_ONE" = "$TL_TWO" } function pg_current_tl() { if pg_consistent_tl; then export PG_CURRENT_TL=`cat /tmp/patronictl_list |tail -n1 | cut -d$'\t' -f 6` fi } function pg_different_tl() { if pg_consistent_tl; then pg_current_tl test "$PG_CURRENT_TL" != "$PG_PREVIOUS_TL" fi } function pg_one_leader() { cat /tmp/patronictl_list |tail -n2| cut -d$'\t' -f 4 | grep -q Leader } function pg_save_patronictl_list_to_temp_file() { set -o pipefail until kubectl -n ${NS} exec -it ${PG_CLUSTER}-0 -- patronictl list -f tsv 1> /tmp/patronictl_list 2> /dev/null do echo -n "." sleep 2 done } function pg_healthy() { test pg_zero_lag && pg_two_running && pg_consistent_tl && pg_one_leader } function pg_ensure_rolling_update_is_done() { echo -n "Waiting pg to roll" pg_save_patronictl_list_to_temp_file pg_current_tl export PG_PREVIOUS_TL=$PG_CURRENT_TL until pg_healthy && pg_different_tl do pg_save_patronictl_list_to_temp_file echo -n "." sleep 2 done echo "Rolling is done and successful!" kubectl -n ${NS} exec -it ${PG_CLUSTER}-0 -- patronictl list kubectl -n ${NS} logs ${PG_CLUSTER}-0 --tail=2 kubectl -n ${NS} logs ${PG_CLUSTER}-1 --tail=2 } function pg_set_archive_mode_and_wait() { pg_save_patronictl_list_to_temp_file until pg_healthy do echo -n "Waiting PG to be healthy" pg_save_patronictl_list_to_temp_file echo -n "." sleep 2 done if kubectl -n ${NS} patch --type merge pg ${PG_CLUSTER} --patch '{"spec":{"postgresql":{"parameters":{"archive_mode":"'${ARCHIVE_MODE}'"}}}}' | grep -q "no change" then echo "PG not patched, going to next step." else pg_ensure_rolling_update_is_done fi } function create_emails() { noreply_email_password=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 18 | head -n 1) noreply_email="${NS}" forum_email_password=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 18 | head -n 1) forum_email="forum-${NS}" chat_email_password=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 18 | head -n 1) chat_email="${CHAT_SUBDOMAIN}-${NS}" source /etc/env noreply_local_part=`echo $noreply_email | cut -d@ -f1` forum_local_part=`echo $forum_email | cut -d@ -f1` chat_local_part=`echo $chat_email | cut -d@ -f1` email_domain=`echo $noreply_email | cut -d@ -f2` curl --data "username=${mail_username}&password=${mail_password}&login=Log+In&rememberme=0" -c /tmp/cookie.txt https://${mail_hostname}/auth/login domain_id=`curl -b /tmp/cookie.txt https://${mail_hostname}/domain | grep $email_domain | grep purge-domain | grep -o 'purge-domain-[0-9]*' | grep -o '[0-9]*'` curl --data "local_part=${noreply_local_part}&domain=${domain_id}&password=${noreply_email_password}" -b /tmp/cookie.txt https://${mail_hostname}/mailbox/add curl --data "local_part=${forum_local_part}&domain=${domain_id}&password=${forum_email_password}" -b /tmp/cookie.txt https://${mail_hostname}/mailbox/add curl --data "local_part=${chat_local_part}&domain=${domain_id}&password=${chat_email_password}" -b /tmp/cookie.txt https://${mail_hostname}/mailbox/add rm /tmp/cookie.txt kubectl -n ${NS} create secret generic ${NS}-smtp --from-literal=port=587 --from-literal=from_email=${noreply_email} --from-literal=username=${noreply_email} --from-literal=password=${noreply_email_password} --from-literal=mail_from_address=${noreply_local_part} kubectl -n ${NS} create secret generic forum-${NS}-smtp --from-literal=port=587 --from-literal=from_email=${forum_email} --from-literal=username=${forum_email} --from-literal=password=${forum_email_password} --from-literal=mail_from_address=${forum_local_part} kubectl -n ${NS} create secret generic ${CHAT_SUBDOMAIN}-${NS}-smtp --from-literal=port=587 --from-literal=from_email=${chat_email} --from-literal=username=${chat_email} --from-literal=password=${chat_email_password} --from-literal=mail_from_address=${chat_local_part} }