## IndieHosters This repository contains the confd and bash scripts we use to control our servers. It can run inside Vagrant (see below; FIXME: check whether these instruction currently work) or [deploy to a server](doc/getting-started-as-a-hoster.md) (FIXME: update those instructions to prescribe less folder structure, explain static https+smtp hosting, and check if they currently work). ## Prerequisites to running this code with Vagrant: - [vagrant](http://www.vagrantup.com/) - [virtualbox](https://www.virtualbox.org/) - nfs - run `apt-get install nfs-kernel-server`, or your OS equivalent - optional: [vagrant-hostsupdater](https://github.com/cogitatio/vagrant-hostsupdater) - run `vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater` to install ## Get started: ```bash vagrant up ``` Wait for the provisioning to finish (~40mins), and go to your browser: https://indiehosters.dev ### FIXME: this is outdated: If you want to add another nginx instance apart from indiehosters.dev: - For e.g. example.dev, put a cert for it in /data/per-user/example.dev/combined.pem on the host system. - Test it with `openssl s_server -cert /data/per-user/example.dev/combined.pem -www` ```bash vagrant ssh sudo sh /data/indiehosters/scripts/approve-user.sh example.dev wordpress ``` Check https://example.dev in your bowser! ### Cleaning up To clean up stuff from previous runs of your VM, you can do: ```bash vagrant ssh rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.wants/* ``` and then restart the VM with `vagrant reload`.