Restore from legacy backup
When you provision an app for the first time, it could be a migration of a legacy app installed in a virtual machine or a docker host.
Also you may want to start it with volumes content already containing datas.
this feature will simply :
- add an argument to 'provision' command
- this argument will a full path (filesystem at first) to a tar file containing each volume data in its respective targe directory.
- will simply untar this file in the app directory without any other check or actions.
as an example
the nextcloud app has several volumes but all data is in 2 dirs and nginx conf)
the tar file as argument can contains for example :
___ /data -> Corresponding to the legacy /var/ww/html
___ /mysql -> Corresponding to the legacy /va/lib/mysql
With this tar file you can easily script the migration of old apps in Virtual Machines to
Task list
- Start with Piwigo a script that would backup an installed app on a linux VM or LXD( now in utils/ and )
- adapt the script for prestashop and any other app