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reconcilerBase.go 2.3 KiB
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package reconciler

import (
	metav1 ""
	logf ""

// ReconcilerBase is a base struct from which all reconcilers can be derived. By doing so your finalizers will also inherir a set of utility functions
// To inherit from reconciler just build your finalizer this way:
// type MyReconciler struct {
//   util.ReconcilerBase
//   ... other optional fields ...
// }
var log = logf.Log.WithName("reconciler")

type ReconcilerBase struct {
	// This client, initialized using mgr.Client() above, is a split client
	// that reads objects from the cache and writes to the apiserver
	client     client.Client
	scheme     *runtime.Scheme
	restConfig *rest.Config
	recorder   record.EventRecorder

func NewReconcilerBase(client client.Client, scheme *runtime.Scheme, restConfig *rest.Config, recorder record.EventRecorder) ReconcilerBase {
	return ReconcilerBase{
		client:     client,
		scheme:     scheme,
		restConfig: restConfig,
		recorder:   recorder,

// IsValid determines if a CR instance is valid. this implementation returns always true, should be overridden
func (r *ReconcilerBase) IsValid(obj metav1.Object) (bool, error) {
	return true, nil

// IsInitialized determines if a CR instance is initialized. this implementation returns always true, should be overridden
func (r *ReconcilerBase) IsInitialized(obj metav1.Object) bool {
	return true

// Reconcile is a stub function to have ReconcilerBase match the Reconciler interface. You must redefine this function
func (r *ReconcilerBase) Reconcile(request reconcile.Request) (reconcile.Result, error) {
	return reconcile.Result{}, nil

// GetClient returns the underlying client
func (r *ReconcilerBase) GetClient() client.Client {
	return r.client

// GetRestConfig returns the undelying rest config
func (r *ReconcilerBase) GetRestConfig() *rest.Config {
	return r.restConfig

// GetRecorder returns the underlying recorder
func (r *ReconcilerBase) GetRecorder() record.EventRecorder {
	return r.recorder

// GetScheme returns the scheme
func (r *ReconcilerBase) GetScheme() *runtime.Scheme {
	return r.scheme