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package configmap

import (

	corev1 ""

// GenConfigMapFunc defines a function which generates ConfigMap.
type GenConfigMapFunc func(Conf) (*corev1.ConfigMap, error)

// GenDataFunc defines a function which generates data (string map)
// for Configmap.
type GenDataFunc func() (map[string]string, error)

// GenBinaryDataFunc defines a function which generates binary data
// (map of string to byte slice) for Configmap.
type GenBinaryDataFunc func() (map[string][]byte, error)

type Conf struct {
	Namespace      string
	Name           string
	Obj            interfaces.Object
	Reconcile      interfaces.Reconcile
	previousObject interfaces.Object
	Owner          interfaces.Object
	OwnerReference bool
	GenFinalizers  meta.GenFinalizers
	GenLabels      meta.GenLabels
	GenAnnotations meta.GenAnnotations
	// GenConfigMapFunc defines a function to generate the Configmap
	// object. The package comes with default configmap generator
	// function which is used by operation functions. By specifying
	// this field, user can override the default function with a
	// custom one.
	// GenDataFunc defines a function to generate data for Configmap
	// GenBinaryDataFunc defines a function to generate binary data
	// for Configmap