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Timothee Gosselin committed
package configmap

import (

	corev1 ""

func (c Conf) GenData() (out map[string]string, err error) {
	if c.GenDataFunc != nil {
		return c.GenDataFunc()
	return out, nil
func (c Conf) GenBinaryData() (out map[string][]byte, err error) {
	if c.GenBinaryDataFunc != nil {
		return c.GenBinaryDataFunc()
	return out, nil

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func (c Conf) GenLabelsFunc() (map[string]string, error) {
	var labels map[string]string
	if c.GenLabels != nil {
		return c.GenLabels()
	return labels, nil
func (c Conf) GenAnnotationsFunc() (map[string]string, error) {
	var annotations map[string]string
	if c.GenAnnotations != nil {
		return c.GenAnnotations()
	return annotations, nil

func (c Conf) GenFinalizersFunc() ([]string, error) {
	if c.GenFinalizers != nil {
		return c.GenFinalizers()
	return nil, nil


// Object returns the ObjectSyncer subject
func (s Conf) Object() interfaces.Object {
	return s.Obj

// Object returns the ObjectSyncer subject
func (s Conf) ObjectName() string {
	return s.Name

// Object returns the ObjectSyncer subject
func (s Conf) ObjectNamespace() string {
	return s.Namespace

// ObjectOwner returns the ObjectSyncer owner
func (s Conf) ObjectOwner() interfaces.Object {
	return s.Owner

// ObjectWithoutSecretData returns the ObjectSyncer subject without secret data
func (s Conf) ObjectWithoutSecretData() runtime.Object {
	return stripSecrets(s.Obj)

// PreviousWithoutSecretData returns the ObjectSyncer previous subject without secret data
func (s Conf) PreviousWithoutSecretData() runtime.Object {
	return stripSecrets(s.previousObject)

// ObjectType returns the type of the ObjectSyncer subject
func (s Conf) ObjectType() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%T", s.Obj)

// OwnerType returns the type of the ObjectSyncer owner
func (s Conf) ObjectOwnerType() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%T", s.Owner)

// OwnerType returns the type of the ObjectSyncer owner
func (s Conf) SetPreviousObject() {
	//	obj := s.Obj.DeepCopyObject().(*appsv1.Deployment)
	//	s.previousObject = obj
	s.previousObject = s.Object()
	//s.previousObject = s.Object()

// OwnerType returns the type of the ObjectSyncer owner
func (s Conf) GetClient() client.Client {
	return s.Reconcile.GetClient()

// OwnerType returns the type of the ObjectSyncer owner
func (s Conf) GetScheme() *runtime.Scheme {
	return s.Reconcile.GetScheme()

// OwnerType returns the type of the ObjectSyncer owner
func (s Conf) GetRecorder() record.EventRecorder {
	return s.Reconcile.GetRecorder()

// stripSecrets returns the object without secretData
func stripSecrets(obj runtime.Object) runtime.Object {
	// if obj is secret, don't print secret data
	s, ok := obj.(*corev1.Secret)
	if ok {
		s.Data = nil
		s.StringData = nil

		return s

	return obj