title: IndieHosters tale
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## Once upon a time in Lisboa
a young guy started to host WordPresses for his friends on a Raspberry. Then he teamed with a new friend to create IndieHosters. This project was about hosting free software for people. Little by little, they gained popularity and bigger and bigger organisations trusted them to host their software. There was some up and some down about how to pay the rent with this service. A new team member came along. And eventually, they finally managed to secure a bigger client and some nice smaller one. The rent was mostly paid.
At this point, they realized that hosting for people is just not profitable at all, or they would need some volume.
If they were capitalistic and rational, IndieHosters would have stop hosting for the people and focus on the bigger clients. Some people say that startup start B2C and end up doing B2B, it is just plain easier. But IndieHosters was not a startup and the tale didn't end up like this.
We think that this tale is what most small free software hosters are experiencing. We want to change this, and here it is how: