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Pierre Ozoux's avatar
Pierre Ozoux committed
title: Free training

Thanks to our partner [Open Source Politics](, they wanted to have a training, and agreed to open it to the public.

Feel free to join the sessions the thursdays, at 10AM Paris time, in french. Mark the dates (links lead to the recorded session):
 - [9 Juillet]( 
   - **Docker** : Introduction, 12 Factor APP, What is Docker, Installation, Basics, Best practices
 - [16 Juillet](
   - **Docker** Networks, Volumes, Builder, Alpine
Pierre Ozoux's avatar
Pierre Ozoux committed
 - [23 Juillet](
   - **Docker** : Advanced, Namespace, Multiprocess, 12 Factor App, VM School, Conclusion, User, Logs, Monitoring, Local Storage, Docker Exec
Pierre Ozoux's avatar
Pierre Ozoux committed
 - (30Juillet - pas de training)
Pierre Ozoux's avatar
Pierre Ozoux committed
 - (6 Août - pas de training)
 - [13 Août](
   - **Kubernetes** : k8s History, k8s resources, yaml structure, namespace, pod, ReplicaSet, Deployment, Actions, Proxy, Port forward
 - [20 Août](
   - **Kubernetes** : Annotations, labels, service yaml, service description, secrets, ingress, cert-manager, kustomize, scheduler, cluster autto scaler, configmap
 - [27 Août](
   - **Kubernetes** : Architecture, benefits, package manager, Operators, helm, probes, cluster auto scaler
 - [3 Septembre](
   - **Kubernetes** : Operator Maturity Model, Custom Resource, How to build an operator
 - [10 Septembre](
   - **Kubernetes** : RBAC, Moar, Dev Side, Ops Side, Network side, Storage side
Pierre Ozoux's avatar
Pierre Ozoux committed
Follow [this link]( to join and follow the training.
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Pierre Ozoux committed
We recommend you to be comfortable reading english and have [docker already installed](
Pierre Ozoux's avatar
Pierre Ozoux committed
If you want to sponsor an english training, feel free to contact at indie dot host.