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 title: Free training 
 Thanks to our partner [Open Source Politics]( , they wanted to have a training, and agreed to open it to the public. 
 - [Docker - Basics 1]( : Introduction, 12 Factor APP, What is Docker, Installation, Basics, Best practices 
 - [Docker - Basics 2]( : Networks, Volumes, Builder, Alpine 
 - [Docker - Advanced]( : Advanced, Namespace, Multiprocess, 12 Factor App, VM School, Conclusion, User, Logs, Monitoring, Local Storage, Docker Exec 
 - [Kubernetes - Basics 1]( : k8s History, k8s resources, yaml structure, namespace, pod, ReplicaSet, Deployment, Actions, Proxy, Port forward 
 - [Kubernetes - Basics 2]( : Annotations, labels, service yaml, service description, secrets, ingress, cert-manager, kustomize, scheduler, cluster autto scaler, configmap 
 - [Kubernetes - Advanced 1]( : Architecture, benefits, package manager, Operators, helm, probes, cluster auto scaler 
 - [Kubernetes - Operator]( : Operator Maturity Model, Custom Resource, How to build an operator 
 - [Kubernetes - Advanced 2]( : RBAC, Moar, Dev Side, Ops Side, Network side, Storage side 
 We recommend you to be comfortable reading english and have [docker already installed]( . 
 If you want to sponsor an english training, feel free to contact at indie dot host.