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Pierre Ozoux's avatar
Pierre Ozoux committed
title: Further reading
pre: "<b>6. </b>"
weight: 6

 - [The Illustrated Children's Guide to Kubernetes]( - a nice getting started
 - [Julia Evan's blog]( - a great resource to understand internals of kubernetes
 - [CoreOS cluster OSI model]( - one of the really inspiring article that started to make me dreaming
 - [Kubernetes Resource Management]( - a beautiful, almost academic paper - on how to run a distributed cluster that is in reallity kubernetes ;)
 - [Airbnb synapse - Registration Discovery pattern]( - Discovery/Registration pattern
 - [Kubernetes The hard way]( - a deep dive on what is needed to build a kubernetes cluster - this would help you understand the deep internals
 - [Kubernetes the not so hard way with ansible]( - a alternative to the previous link - wiht ansible