Julien Schneider authored
- refactored SCIM 2.0 server core library - new Domain SCIM resource - simple JWT implementation - enhanced documentation - split out PostfixAdmin SCIM API
use Opf\ScimServer;
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
// Obtain the root of the project
$scimServerPhpRoot = dirname(__DIR__);
// Create a new ScimServer instance and give it the project root
$scimServer = new ScimServer($scimServerPhpRoot);
// Take the config file path and pass it to the scimServer instance
$configFilePath = __DIR__ . '/../config/config.php';
// Obtain custom dependencies (if any) and pass them to the scimServer instance
$dependencies = require __DIR__ . '/../src/Dependencies/mock-dependencies.php';
// Set the Authentication Middleware configured in the dependencies files above to the scimServer instance
//$scimServerPhpAuthMiddleware = 'AuthMiddleware';
// Start the scimServer